
HackIT CTF 2017 rev200 writeup

問題 Description: You haxor, come on you little sciddie… debug me, eh? You fucking little lamer… You fuckin’ come on, come debug me! I’ll get your ass, you jerk! Oh, you IDA monkey! Fuck all you and your tools! Come on, you scum haxor, you…

HackIT CTF 2017 rev150 writeup

問題 Description: Looks like this packer can not unpack what has been packed :( There are 2 mistakes in unpacking procedure. It leads to the error. Try to fix unpacker and figure out what is inside. packerとpackedという2つの64bitのELFが与…

Unbreakable Enterprise Product Activationをz3pyを使って解いてみる

はじめに z3pyにkatagaitai勉強会#6 - 関西|easyで入門したので、練習がてらGoogle CTF 2016のUnbreakable Enterprise Product Activationを解いた。 この問題を人力で解くのは難しく、競技期間中は解けなかったが、z3pyを使えば楽に解くことができた。 実行…